We hold various health and wellness activities all year round, such as badminton, K-pop dance, yoga, health talks, health screening and more.
We are bizSAFE certified, operating our business adhering to the Workplace Safety and Health legislation. In addition, we have a Company Emergency Response Team (CERT), comprising of trained employees who will help to mitigate and control any emergency situation during the initial stage prior to SCDF’s arrival.
We engage our workforce through activities such as festive celebrations, company trips, bazaars, movie days, bowling competitions and more. We believe that infusing fun into the workplace helps employees foster camaraderie, creativity and cohesion amongst colleagues, and at the same time, builds a positive and vibrant work culture.
Deserving employees are applauded for their contributions during the annual President’s Award, Long Service Award and Japan HQ Award.
Employees are empowered to identify their own learning needs, to hone the necessary skills and knowledge. Occasional team building sessions are also organised to strengthen team synergy, productivity and performance at work.